Wait A Few Days

If you used a credit card to make the purchase then you should wait for three to five business days for the refund to arrive in your account.

The debit card will take 10 days business for the refund to take place

If you purchased a prepaid credit card then it can take up to 30 days for the refund to arrive.

Purchases through SNAP or EBT will also take 10 days for the refund to take place.

It will take up to two or three hours if you use a gift card to make the payment for the refund to return to your card.

If you used your reward points to make the purchase then it will take up to 5 days for the refund to take place.

If you purchased your item through cash then it will take 10 business days for your refund to arrive.

If you used a promotional certificate to make payment for the item you canceled then you will not be eligible to receive a refund.

After waiting for the suggested number of days you still don’t receive your refund then you need to try some of the steps we mentioned below.

Contact The Seller

You should directly contact the seller if after the waiting period you don’t receive the refund. 

The reason for that is sometimes a software error occurs and you didn’t update them so that you canceled the order.

To contact the seller you need to go to the page where you bought the item. There will be a contact seller link on the page. Let them know when you canceled the order, the amount you were charged for, and any other information that they ask for to ensure there wasn’t an error. 

If there was an error they have the power to correct it and your refund process will start from there. 

Clicking on the item you will be able to see its status. Sometimes it happens that you seem to think that you canceled your order but you didn’t. If that’s the case then you can cancel it there itself. If it shows that you canceled the item then it should. Its status does it mention anything about the refund or not. 
