
Placeit is a prototype tool to lay out designs that are packed with various kinds of templates suitable for various kinds of proposal works. The tool provides a cool and awesome template. One can convert a basic template into something customized by just analyzing certain adjustments. The virtual platform consists of over 58,000 tools, mockups, and templates that provide a great benefit to the users by helping them make attractive visual content. It’s such a platform that attracts graphic designers and merchandisers who carry on their design works as well as print-on-demand works, by taking an affordable monthly subscription of $19.95.

Reasons for not using Placeit

Placeit does not own a separate app for mobile or software for PC. One needs to visit the website to use it whereas a dedicated app or software would have been better. There is traffic at times on the website. Even if it’s on the affordable side, it is not the best among its competitors, especially Canva. Canva is more advanced when it comes to designing social media posts, banners, project slides, and other promotional materials. One is allowed to download their logos only in the PGP format rather than introducing downloads in vector format. This can help the designers’ design using other apps. The Placeit website consumes a lot of time to render the previews of one’s videos which highly impacts the user experience. One cannot customize and modify all the templates. One needs to redesign it on another platform after downloading. There is also a problem concerning the audio track that designs one designed videos, it does not intuitively sync the audio beats with that of video animations and transitions, which needs to be improved. It might not be a good platform for professional mockup designers. More than half of the templates are restricted to normal users, the free library restricts itself from being a complete library. It may turn out to be more costly for non-premium users than that for members of Placeit because one has to pay per download. There is a watermark issue for non-premium users as the mock-ups and designs can have watermark or trademark issues when it comes to commercial use. You need to get a solution for eliminating the watermark. It may not turn out to be the best platform for making lengthier documents like scrapbooks and magazines.

Cancel Placeit membership via phone

You need to dial (833)783-2393You need to wait for a callback from the customer support agent. One needs to call from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm, except on the weekends.  One needs to give account details or payment details when asked by the customer support change concerning canceling one’s membership.

Cancel Placeit membership via Email

You need to write a message and request for canceling the service. State a reason for unsubscribing from the membership. The subject of the email should be to cancel the subscription. Send the email to support@placeit. net.

Cancel Placeit membership via DoNotPay

First, open DoNotPay in the web browser. Second, search and select the Find Hidden Money option. Third, enter Place It in the text box or the service area.

It’s a good platform for young enthusiasts, who want to excel in graphic designing, modifying the template, upgrading the fonts of project slides, prints, and designs, and various other works. It has thousands of tools, mockups, and templates for users and non-premium users. It helps in doing the merchandise, printing, and designing works. It has some flows that grip down the user experience as it has limited reach to non-premium users and cannot compete with the maturity of Canva for designing posts, banners, project slides, etc. one cannot freely download in vector format rather than downloading in PGP format, as well as has to pay for downloading the images. Thus, there is a defect while syncing the audio with animation and video, rendering the video previews, and other issues that make it inferior to Canva.

Are there any hidden charges deducted by Placeit while canceling?

No, there are no hidden charges stamped by Placeit while canceling the subscription or its membership.

What are the membership fees?

The membership fee for Placeit is $19.95 and $99.95 as well as one gets a discount of 15% while availing annual subscription. The non-premium users need to pay for downloading the images.

What are the methods for canceling the membership?

One can cancel the membership of Placeit either by phone, by email, or by DoNotPay. One has to provide details about the account as proof for unsubscribing.