Setup in 1901, Orkin is an American pest control company that delivers both commercial and residential services to its customers living in the country.

With over 120 years of experience in pest control, Orkin specializes in the protection of the citizens against common pests such as termites, insects, and rodents.

How to Cancel Orkin?

Customers who wish to cancel their contracts with Orkin should either visit their branch office within their localities or call customer care on 877-388-2580.


As a pest control company, Orkin is in partnership with recognized institutions in America such as:

American Red Cross.  Outstanding universities in the country. National Science Teachers Association. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The company’s partnership with the Red Cross aimed at encouraging the public to donate blood to the Red Cross and also to lecture Americans on the health threats posed by the mosquitoes, and the possible means of managing such threats.

The primary objective of this pest control company is to assist in the protection of public health through the prevention and control of pests, including public enlightenment on the health hazard posed by these insects.

Strategies Of Orkin

Here are the strategies designed by the company to ensure the health and safety of the public:

Support to communityCommitment to saving lives Protecting public health through education.

Support To Community:

At Orkin, there is a program known as OrkinServes. The is a program designed to accommodate volunteers who will assist to take care of Orkin’s communities. 

Every year, Orkin branches in America create a payback time in their localities to educate people on pest control. Since the inception of OrkinServes, Orkin employees have sacrificed 100s of hours of volunteer service to their communities in America. 

One thing about Orkin is her belief in synergy among people. They believe in people collaborating and assisting themselves. This is why they equally care for her communities.

Commitment To Saving Lives:

Orkin company is all out to bring the existence of mosquitoes to an end. Without mosquitoes, there will be no malaria in the country, and this is why they are determined to terminate it.

To help the country to increase blood supply while protecting the citizens from the public health threats emanating from a mosquito bite, Orkin considered it necessary to partner with the Red Cross to help save lives. 

Orkin has contributed over $220,000 to the Red Cross, beginning from the year 2020 to date. This is not to include her efforts in encouraging the public to donate blood to the Red Cross through a nationwide SleevesUp campaign.

The nation’s Red Cross works assiduously to support America with forty percent of the blood supply. A total of thirteen thousand pants of blood are collected from blood donors to meet the needs of patients across the U.S. 

Protecting Public Health Through Education :

Orkin, in collaboration with the country’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has promoted different public health and educational initiatives that centered on pest-related diseases. 

Educational materials such as The Hidden Home Threats Checklist; and Guide To Dangerous Pests, were produced in collaboration with Orkin and the CDC to educate the consumers on how to prevent pest-related diseases.

Orkin and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also partner on a yearly program called Train the Trainers, to educate hundreds of Orkin pest control pros around the United State on pest-related diseases. 

Orkin And The Earth Ecology

While discharging her duty, Orkin considers the safety of living organisms like insects, rodents, and other critters in the environment to maintain the ecological balance of the earth. 

These living organisms are condemned only when they pose danger to human health or property. Orkin as a pest control company believes in the preservation of earth ecology while delivering pest control services to her customers.

This is while it offers a program known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM.) The program ensures an acceptable treatment method designed to achieve a certain level of pest control with the least possible impact on humans, and non-target living organisms as well as the environment. 

This is the effective way Orkin ensures that earth ecology is preserved.

The Kind Of Pests Orkin Treats:

Orkin renders services to customers ranging from nearly 20 common pests such as moths, ants, fleas, hornets, crickets, scorpions, silverfish, mosquitoes, mice, termites, spiders, bed bugs, centipedes, and earwigs.

How to Pay for Orkin Services?

You can pay for Orkin services right from the comfort of your home. As a partner in protection, Orkin provides easy methods of payment to customers.  Orkin’s AutoPay allows you to make payments using bank credit cards, or bank check cards. You can also contact your local branch and give them your bank card details over the phone, to help you make the payment. All these services are readily available only when you have an account with the company.


We have Covered all the benefits and advantages of Orkin,But still you want to cancel it you can visit the store in person and cancel It.