Now we use new tools and services for delivering mail through USPS. 

One of them is a Poly mailer. Do you know what a poly mailer is? Can You use it while mailing something from USPS? Is it durable? How to choose a suitable poly mailer for your USPS package? Well, you are in the right place. To know each and everything related to your USPS package and Poly Mailer, make sure to go through the whole article. 

Can You Use Poly Mailers For USPS? 

Yes, you can use Poly Mailer to wrap up a package while delivering it through the US Postal Service. The United States Postal Service allows Poly Mailer packaging for letters, envelopes, and packages. You can choose a poly mailer of your preference and mail the item through USPS. 

What is a Poly Mailer? 

If you have ever ordered clothes online you probably received a poly mailer. They are super versatile. They’ve become a deep factor for e-commerce shipping of soft goods. Poly mailers are plastic bags made for the shipping of packages. You can ship whatever you want in a poly mailer through USPS. Even ship something rigid like a book. All you need to do is put it in a bubble wrap and then put it in a poly mailer. Several brands use poly mailers to protect their items from damage during the process of the transaction. 

What type of Poly Mailer should I use for my USPS Package? 

The type of Poly Mailer you should use for your USPS package depends on your item. If the item is big and rigid then consider using a thick Poly Mailer for your safety. Poly mailers come in a broad range of sizes from tiny ones to big ones. The standard poly mailer is 2.5 mil in thickness. If you are increasing the thickness you are using twice as much plastic, you can expect your cost to be double. Increasing the thickness increases the strength of the poly mailer. You only have to increase the thickness when you are delivering something rigid or harsh. 

Is Poly Mailer better than usual packaging? 

Yes, indeed it is a better option because it’s cheaper, customizable, and versatile. Poly mailers can help you a lot when you are shipping through USPS. For example, you are shipping a sweater from Los Angeles to New York for your best friend. If you put that sweater in a box and ship it through the US Postal Service, that will cost you $10 to get across the country. If you ship the same sweater in a Poly Mailer, it might cost you around $3. That is a huge saving for the same item traveling the same distance. Another great thing about Poly Mailers is exactly how customizable they are. There is so much you can do with your design. You can go shiny, metallic design, printed small and little in size, big and bold, and whatnot? So next time while delivering through USPS make sure that you are using a Poly Mailer because it is cheaper, customizable, and versatile as well. They are made up of plastic and can also be recycled after usage.  

How to pick the right size of Poly Mailer for USPS? 

You only want your packaging to be as big as it needs to be. So that you can cut down other expenses and then the expense of the packaging itself. To find the right size of Poly Mailer for your USPS package, take your package and measure its length, width, and height. Through this process, you can easily determine what is the minimum size of a Poly Mailer you need. 

Another thing that matters while choosing a Poly Mailer for a USPS Package is, is your item delicate? If your item is not delicate like a shirt then you can use a light and thin Poly Mailer to send it to USPS. But if your item is something delicate like a mirror, then you should consider using something like a box. It is because there can be chances of the item getting damaged in transit through USPS. 


In conclusion, Yes, you can use Poly Mailers for mailing through USPS. Poly Mailers are often used by people because they are cheaper than usual packaging such as boxes. It is a good option because it has versatility and the ability to customize. 

Can you use Poly Mailers for USPS first-class packages?

Yes, you can use Poly Mailers for USPS first-class packages. 

Does USPS have free Poly Mailers? 

Unfortunately, USPS does not have free Poly Mailers.

How much is it to ship Poly Mailer through USPS? 

The charge of delivering something from USPS in a Poly Mailer is around $0.50 as a start. The charges depend upon the weight of your items.