Can You Use Apple Pay At Meijer?

Yes. Meijer stores and gas stations accept Apple Pay transactions at most of its store locations, like supercenters across Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois in U. S. A. Use of Apple Pay would provide many benefits to the regular customers during the time of every purchase. Apple Pay transaction is accepted through Face ID and Touch ID verification. 

What are the ways of payments in Meijer? 

Meijer has collaborated with Apple Pay and other digital wallets for smooth transactions. There are different ways in which Meijer gas stations accept payment. The iOS devices include Apple Pay for making digital payments. Other than this, credit cards and debit cards, along with Google Pay, and Samsung Pay wallets are available in Meijer stores. Meijer gas stations in U. S. provide the option of payments which have to be confirmed at the time of billing after completing your purchase at the end. Meijer has special benefits for regular customers at their stores in the form of cashback. 

How can you use Apple Pay at Meijer gas station? 

Step 1 You need to have Apple Pay App downloaded on your device from Store. It should note that iOS devices, like Apple smartwatches and smartphones and tablets, only support the Apple Pay application. 

Step 2 Save your store cards or credit or debit card details in your phone safely with a security lock.

Step 3 Choose the card which you want to use to facilitate Apple Pay payment in Meijer gas station and its stores.

Step 4  Tap on your iPhone’s Touch ID or enter your password to verify your identity through Face ID to initiate your transaction after selecting the debit or credit card in your Apple Wallet.

Step 5 Place your iPhone near the NFC reader and click on “Done”

Step 6 Wait for the payment completion and the blue tick on your screen. 

Apart from this, there is an option of QR code scanning using your phone camera to make digital payments at the Meijer stores easily every time. 

What benefits can you receive? 

Online payments provide some benefits to regular customers every time in Meijer. You can check your Apple Pay app for certain offers, which customers can avail of while making transactions at Meijer stores.

You can get rewards back and can use Apple gift cards for making transactions that are linked with Apple Pay. The stores do not allow any service charge for choosing digital payment facilities.

You have to select the card which you want to utilize at Meijer, after confirming it with the store first. Different cards hold a variety of benefits, bonus points, terms and conditions, and annual charges to pay for the customers. So there is a need to have proper knowledge about the offers provided by the service providers at the time of a particular transaction at Meier gas station. It would be beneficial for the customers to gain rewards on one hand, and it would help the company to maintain customer satisfaction on the other side.


Meijer stores and gas stations have updated their mode of receiving payments in recent years. It has included digital wallets along with the facility of cash, cards, and store credits. You can shop for your favorite items without worries, even if you don’t carry cash with you. You can continue your shopping and will receive bonus reward points for your next purchase as well. Meijer would make your experience easy and fast with such a digital transaction facility, specifically with the Apple Pay wallet.

  1. Does Meijer accept Apple Pay transactions at all stores? 

Yes. Meijer encourages contactless delivery in all its stores in various locations in the United States and Apple Pay provides easy and smooth services to the valued customers every time. 

  1. Is the Meijer store available in all countries? 

No. Meijer has more than 1000 stores in the area of the zone of the United States. It has prospects of establishing more outlets. 

  1. On which device, Apple Pay is accessible for payment in Meijer? 

Apple Pay is accessible on iOS smartphones, smartwatches, and tablets for making successful payments in Meijer.

  1. Is offline payment acceptable in Meijer? 

Yes, offline payment is also available along with digital payment in Meijer 8 stores. You have to pay the cash to the store cashier.