It might take up to 90 days for you to delete your data. After the deletion procedure begins, copies of your material may remain in backup storage for up to 90 days in case of a catastrophe, software issue, or other data loss situation.

How do I ask Instagram to delete an inactive account? You can only send a ticket through the Instagram app if you want to contact Instagram. If you don’t have access to your Instagram account on the app, you may report issues using someone else’s Instagram account.

When will Instagram delete dormant accounts? Instagram has never provided a clear answer about how long inactive accounts must be inactive before being deleted. However, the personnel encourages their users to log in and utilize their platform from time to time to avoid having their accounts deleted.

There’s no way to get back at someone who has abandoned their Instagram account as of 2021. However, you may report an impersonation account or trademark infringement, and Instagram will assist you in regaining access to your dormant Instagram username.

Although you may only have temporarily disabled or temporarily deleted the account, as you’ve said that your Instagram account has been ‘permanently deleted’ neither of these situations should be the reason. It’s possible that Instagram’s servers are updating.