An IP address can be traced from a deleted Facebook account, but the information will only be available to Facebook.

Facebook has a process for recovering a deleted account. You can reach out to Facebook Support and they will be able to help you recover your account.

People can be traced through their IP address, and the information they provide on social media sites. If someone is using a fake account to harass or stalk another person, it is possible for law enforcement to track them down.

If you suspect that a Facebook account is fake, it is best to contact Facebook directly. The page has a lot of resources for this.

Yes, but it is not easy. Facebook has a lot of security features that make it very difficult for someone to hack into your account. If you delete your account, then the hacker would need to know your password and email address. Even if they happen to know both of those things, they still can’t access your account without first logging out of their own Facebook account.

Yes, you can reactivate a deleted Facebook account. However, it’s not as simple as just logging in with the same credentials. To reactivate your account, you’ll need to contact Facebook support and ask them to reactivate it for you.

No. Facebook will permanently delete your account after one year.

The easiest way to find out an IP address is to go into your computer’s settings and look at the information there. If you don’t know how to do that, you can also use a website like