Can You Donate Plasma If You’re On Antibiotics?

So before you go to donate plasma when you’re on antibiotics, you must understand why you’re taking the medication. If you’re taking it to avoid infection, then you’re eligible to donate your plasma 24hrs after your last dose. But if you have an active infection, you cannot donate plasma until you have completed your medication and show no signs or symptoms of infection.

Are you eligible to donate your plasma?

A lot of people depend on donated plasma to cure their medical conditions. And some recipients might be allergic to the antibiotics you’re taking. This is why you need to be honest about the information you provide while filling out the pre-donation form.

Plasma donation is a wonderful opportunity to help others live healthy again, and at the same time, it is a great way to make some extra cash. But you’ll have to satisfy some donor requirements to be considered fit for donation. Below is a list of criteria that make you not eligible to donate:

• If you recently gave birth or you are expecting a baby.

• If you’re receiving antibiotic treatment for a serious infection.

•  If you have a hepatitis A, B, or C virus, HIV, or syphilis infection.

• If you have recently had oral sex with someone who has multiple sexual partners.

• If you’re younger than 17 years old. In this case, your guardian or parents must give consent before you are allowed to donate.

• If you had blood transfusion in the last 7 days.

• If you have cancer of any kind.

How should you prepare for plasma donation?

There are no risks associated with donating plasma. Whether it is your first time or you are a regular donor, before the procedure begins here are a few things you should do:

• Eat food rich in protein. Eating well is a must for anyone who wishes to donate blood and most importantly food containing sufficient protein because of the impact it has on your general health.

• Take enough water: As much as you can. Because plasma includes over 90% water, you should drink plenty of water. This will keep you from being dehydrated during or after the procedure.

• Take enough rest: This will allow you to recover quickly after the donation.

• Don’t take alcohol on the day of your donation. Alcohol will make you dehydrated, and being dehydrated can disqualify you from being eligible to donate.

• 24hours before your donation, stay away from foods rich in fats. They can cause your plasma to appear milky, leading to misinterpretation of results, thereby making you ineligible to donate.

How is plasma collected from a person?

The steps involved in plasma donation are similar to whole blood donation, where a needle is inserted into one of the veins on your arm. As the whole blood drains out of the vein, the plasma is collected by a machine through a procedure known as plasmapheresis. The procedure can last for over an hour. During the procedure, the red blood cells and other blood components are separated from the plasma, as the whole blood is collected by passing it through a filter until the plasma is separated.

After you have given plasma…

• Allow five days before donating again.

• Keep drinking plenty of water, as much as you can.

• Eat plenty of protein-rich meals.

Does it hurt to donate plasma?

If you have donated blood before, donating plasma feels the same way. If properly done, it shouldn’t hurt. The goal of any clinician in charge of your donation is to make you comfortable throughout the donation. Although when the needle is inserted into your vein you might feel a stinging sensation. This is all you’ll experience.

Many medical conditions can be treated with donated plasma, including those of persons who have suffered severe burns, trauma, or organ transplantation. Because there are adverse effects associated with blood transfusion, you must adhere to the instructions guiding a successful plasma donation. Failure to do so could be detrimental to you and the recipient’s health.

Will you become weak if you donate your plasma?

No, but you might experience minor side effects like dehydration.

Will you contract infection if you donate plasma?

If the needle is contaminated or the sight of venepuncture is not cleaned with alcohol, you might be infected.

How long does it take to donate a pint of blood?

The time varies, depending on the pressure in the vein. However, it shouldn’t exceed an hour.

Why is it important to donate plasma?

Donating plasma helps save lives and maintain healthy blood pressure.