If you have changed your mind, or are in a situation where you feel that it would be unsafe to publish your link, please contact one of our founders privately and we will delete it for you immediately. If you do this, please remember that the only way to make another one is by contacting us again. Please do not create another one without talking to us first because this goes against our guidelines and can get both parties into trouble with PayPal.

We realize that people may still want to delete their own links after talking to one of our co-founders anyway due to public embarrassment etc; but regardless of whether you are doing so intentionally or unintentionally we cannot guarantee anything about your account if we access it. We will not delete your account if you would like to keep it, but we do not recommend that you login with your PayPal credentials in the future. If you have a strong desire to delete your link because of some personal embarrassment please consider removing both names from social media and any other online presence before doing so.

If anyone knows how to contact Huy or Trung privately please let us know. We are looking for their private email addresses or phone numbers so we can verify whether something is true in cases where someone claims they have spoken to them already about something (but cannot prove it). For example, there was a rumor that several people had contacted Trung about deleting links when he had no idea what they were talking about; which points towards his account being hacked. So until we can prove otherwise, it is safest to assume that any email you get from someone claiming to be a co-founder could be one from a phishing scammer trying to trick people into giving away their information.

You cannot edit PayPal.Me links once they are createdUnfortunately, once you have created your PayPal.Me link, it is impossible to change the URL linked to that account. … You also cannot delete and discontinue a PayPal.Me link at any time; if you no longer want people using it for sending funds to you, your only option is hiding the link by turning off notifications from it.

When you close your account, PayPal cannot reopen it for you. You can however open a new account with the same or related email address

This is, of course, possible. You can have one Personal account and one Premier or Business account.

Paypal can hold your funds for 180 days to recover revenue from disputes.

For example, completing the PayPal sign-up process with a fake name is possible for which they have no way of verifying your identity. To link your bank account to PayPal you’ll need to verify using personal information like your government issued ID or date of birth.

Is it possible to register more than one account with the same e-mail address