You can, but you need to be aware that this will be a new shop and the reviews from the old shop won’t show up.

Etsy is a marketplace for handmade or vintage items. If you close your Etsy shop, you will no longer be able to sell on Etsy. You can always reopen your shop at any time.

No, you cannot open more than one shop in Etsy.

Etsy is a website that allows you to buy and sell handmade or vintage items. You can customize your order before you place it by adding customization details in the ‘Add an optional note to seller section of the checkout process.

Yes, two Etsy shops can have the same name. However, the shop names are usually given to be unique enough so that they are not mistaken for one another.

Etsy has a feature that allows you to close your shop for up to 3 months. This will allow you to re-evaluate your shop and make changes if necessary. You can also request a refund of the remaining balance on your Etsy bill.

If you’re not making a profit from your Etsy shop, then it may be time to rethink your strategy. For example, if you’re spending more on supplies than you’re earning from the sale of your products, then it may be time to close up shop.If you have a store that’s been open for a while and it’s still not profitable, then it may be time to consider closing or rebranding.

The answer to this question is contingent on a number of factors, but it’s safe to say that an Etsy shop will take time to take off. The most important thing is to build up a strong following by providing quality products and excellent customer service. Once the shop has enough followers, traffic will increase and sales will follow.

Etsy takes a 3.5% fee on each sale. This includes the listing fee, which is .20 per item, and the transaction fee, which is 2.7%.Etsy charges a 3.5% fee on each sale. This includes the listing fee, which is $0.20 per item, and the transaction fee, which is $2.70%.

Etsy is a marketplace for handmade items, vintage items, and craft supplies. Sellers can create shops on Etsy to sell their goods. For sellers, the site offers tools to manage their shops, including adding descriptions of their products, setting prices and shipping costs, listing their items for sale, and processing orders.To get banned from Etsy you would have to break one of the rules set by the company.