In the duplex Mathew Nagle busy with his dad, police found Torell and her child, Mathew Nagle, cut to death. Matthew’s dad Eric Nagle was out on business, and Torell, his ex, was visiting her children for the end of the week.

Dylan R. Peterson conceded to two charges of first-degree murder and agreed to a prison sentence of over 57 years in April 2007. In return, Deputy Prosecutor Tony Golik chose not to record disturbed murder accusations or look for capital punishment against Peterson.

‘Called 911′ Is Dylon Peterson Still In Jail? Vancouver Washington Man Family Murder Dylon R. Peterson of Vancouver is still in prison in the wake of being condemned to 57 years in jail for the killings of 15-year-old Mathew Nagle and his kid mother, Sandra Torrell.

Their demises were found inside a duplex at 2901 K Street in Vancouver on January 7, after Peterson called 911 and guaranteed he had wounded two people.

On the 911 tape, he is heard telling a dispatcher, “I ensured they were dead before I called.”

Peterson dwelled with Nagle and cut him in the neck while Nagle was dozing. Peterson additionally lethally cut Torrell, who didn’t live there yet was remaining the evening.

On April 30, Peterson confessed to two counts of first-degree murder.Peterson didn’t talk during his sentence, leaving the casualties’ families with unanswered worries about why he got it done. Indeed, even the examiner didn’t know what spurred Peterson to cut mother and child.

Police guaranteed he was intoxicated the evening of the killings, however his protection lawyer informed the court that it was not being presented as a defense.

Dylon R Peterson Stabbed Mother And Son Dylon R Peterson cut a mother and child to death on January 7 and was captured for first-degree murder in the wake of detailing the episode. After the 25-year-old settled on the 911 decision, officials found the bodies of a 45-year-old woman and her 15-year-old child in a yellow duplex in the Rose Village area.

Peterson was additionally present at the episode and was confined in the wake of being addressed by specialists.

He professed to have known the mother and child yet said they were nobody to him on the emergency call. The inspiration for the crime is as yet unclear.

On the 911 tape from the day of the homicides, Peterson just let the dispatcher know that he was born to kill.

A couple of days prior, he had been kept and accused of cocaine ownership. Nonetheless, Peterson argued not liable all things considered and was planned to show up in court later in January.