That, of course, means that PC fans who went through the game store will not be play against anyone with the Xbox version, or even those who bought it from Steam. While the lack of cross-compatibility between Steam and Xbox makes some sense due to possible server issues, the choice to bar other PC users doesn’t seem quite as justified.

The recent restriction might put a slight dent in Microsoft’s “play anywhere” system, as they’ve been touting their removal of some barriers between gamers who play across different devices. 

It should also be noted that the Windows version of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is not part of “Play Anywhere”, so if you buy it on Xbox thinking you’ll get a free copy of the game on PC, I’m afraid that’s not going to happen.

All in all, this probably isn’t the best news a game could have on launch day.

So what do you guys think? Will this news stop you from buying a certain version of game? Let me know in the comments down bellow.