California State University Long Beach Admission Requirement And GPA

What is the Minimum Requirement for Admission into California State University Long Beach Admission?

Intending students should have completed courses in line with college preparatory subjects with a grade of C or higher, this should be done before high school graduation.

Intending students should have graduated by the end of the spring term before the fall enrollment.

For a student to be considered, they must meet the minimum California State university long beach INDEX (CSULB Index). This index is a combination of high school college preparatory courses results and GPA from 10th through 12th grade will determine if you would be considered for admission.

What is the California State University Long Beach Admission Requirement And GPA Index?

CSULB Index is calculated by combining the result of your college preparatory courses with your cumulative GPA in math and English took in your 10th through 12th grade.

Students should note that college preparatory subjects and your GPA result is the major determinant of your admission into CSULB, your SAT and ACT can be submitted, it will only be used for placement, after gaining admission.

How CSULB Index is calculated?

 College preparatory (GPA X200)+ (500x HS math subject GPA)+( 500x HS English GPA).

Note that the GPA calculated is an example of an earned grade in all authorized college preparatory courses taken in grades 10th through 12th.

Admission into CSULA is subject to the approval of the official high school transcript, the grades reported above were received in the 10th through 12 grades. The University reserves the right to withdraw the admission if the final college preparatory courses and GPA is lower than what was reported during the time of application.


The STEM index is used for Intending Students who want to major in Science, Technology, Engineering, and maths major. This Index combines the student’s achievements, in high school college preparatory courses in Math and Science. This index places priority on students with high quantitative skills. The STEM Index is used for admission into CSULB.

How STEM index is calculated?

(600x (HS) Math subject GPA)+ (600x HS Science Subject GPA)

Please note that (HS) stands for High School

Note that the GPA calculated is an example of an earned grade in all authorized college preparatory courses taken in grades 10th through 12th. 

List Of courses for high school college preparatory admission requirements

There are a total of 7 courses with a total of 15 units to be completed before high school graduation.

History and social science (1 year of US history and 1 year of social science with a total of 2 units)English (4 years of college preparatory English and literature, with a total of 4 units)Math (4 years of recommended math like Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2, totaling 3 units)Laboratory Science (1 year of biology and 1 year of physical science, with a total of 2 units)Language other than English (2 years of language, it can be sign language, with w total of 2 units)Virtual or performing art( 1 year of dance or dance or virtual art, with a total of 1 unit)College preparatory elective subject:  1 year of any elective, with a total of 1 unit.

CSULB admission process and GPA

The student who has met the minimum requirements for admission will be admitted based on;

High school graduates of California and its residents : 

For CSULB Index majors:  2.5 GPA or more in college preparatory courses and a 3200 minimum CSULB index to be considered for California residents.

For STEM Index Major: a 2.5 GPA and 3600 minimum STEM index to be considered for California high school graduates and residents.

Non Residents

For CSULB index major: Students need a 3.0 GPA or more in college preparatory courses and a 3,500 minimum CSULB index.

For STEM Index: Students need a 3.0 GPA or more in college preparatory courses and a 3600 minimum STEM index for non-residents.

How will students be considered for admission? 

Students who meet the minimum requirement of the CSULB index and STEM index will be placed based on their majors.

Applicants who meet the minimum CSULB criteria above will be considered based on their intended majors, such as 

Music and danceNursing: students are admitted for  pre-nursing, students who attain more than the minimum CSULB, will increase their chances of admission)STEM majors: Science, Technology, Engineering, and math majors, check out the minimum admission into STEM major above. students that are admitted, are admitted on a pre-major base. They will only remain in this major depending on their GPA and college-preparatory performance. This is to determine their ability to perform well in this major. Other majors including Undeclared majors: refer to the minimum CSULB and STEM index for residents and non-resident applicants. A non-resident is subject to space availability.

Applicants, not given their desired major and having met the CSULB standard will be offered an alternative major. This is determined according to their residency and non-residency status;

Locals/ Resident: will be given an option for another major while still in high school, they will be required to meet the requirement of their alternate major before their junior year.

Other qualified non-resident applicants, should have an alternative college plan in case there is no available space.

In summary, 3 things are required for admission, your grade after the college preparatory course and your GPA, your time of graduation should be before the fall, and lastly, meeting the minimum CSULB or STEM index for both resident and non-resident students, SAT and ACT will only be used for placement.

Who is a freshman?

Students who are about to graduate from high school into college.

Students that already have their high school diploma and looking to enroll in college

Who is an Undeclared Student?

An undeclared student is one who was not given their desired major but is enrolled to explore other majors through coursework and under guidance by university advisors.

As an Undeclared student will I get my desired major?

Undeclared students work with University advisors to succeed in their given majors, it is not a path to their intended major.

Can I still submit my ACT and SAT scores?

Yes, you can, it will be used for placement, after your admission into CSULB.